JCDecaux launches reports of carbon footprint per campaign
From 1 March 2022, we will report the carbon footprint per campaign.
JCDecaux cooperates with ClimatePartner, an internationally recognised expert in climate protection and sustainability, to calculate and reduce CO2-emissions.
ClimatePartner calculates the carbon footprint of all (D)OOH campaigns according to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol/GHG Protocol and bases the climate neutrality on PAS 2060 and ISO 14021
The Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol) is the most established standard for calculating and reporting greenhouse gas emissions.
It has been developed to facilitate the reporting of greenhouse gas emissions by organisations and to make climate reporting more transparent, consistent and comparable between organisations
Climate Report
JCDecaux now reports the carbon footprint per campaign. To make this possible, we are cooperating with ClimatePartner, an internationally recognised expert in climate protection and sustainability, to calculate the carbon footprint of our campaigns.
But we don't stop there. We also offset each campaign's carbon footprint through various climate projects that are labelled with “Gold Standard”.
The Gold Standard is a label for emission allowances from projects where high standards are set for the overall environmental and social impact of the project. A number of environmental organisations (e.g. WWF) are behind the label.
This means that the carbon footprint left by an advertising campaign is offset by 100 %. We do not, however, offset the impact of the customer's product, as we cannot control the impact of products or services sold by our clients.
By scanning the QR code, our customers get all the information about their particular campaign's footprint
The carbon footprint of a Eurosize Riks is 3 960 kg CO2. To understand this figure more easily, we can compare it with the consumption-based greenhouse gas emissions of the Swedish population. On average, emissions are 173 kg CO2 per person per week. A Eurosize National campaign reaches 4 million people, equivalent to 28 people's carbon footprint per week. With a Digisize National campaign you reach 3.5 million which corresponds to 0.6 persons' carbon footprint per week.
Climate Offsetting
JCDecaux support the expansion of green energy generation in Asia. Interest and demand for renewable energies are growing on the Asian continent. One-third of greenhouse gas emissions comes from burning fossil fuels, such as coal and oil. This kind of energy generation is not only finite but has severe negative effects on the climate. To reduce CO2 emissions, mitigate the effects of climate change, and meet an ever-growing energy demand, it is essential to promote renewable energy sources.
The most popular sources of renewable energy are wind, solar, and hydro[1]power. However, energy can also be harnessed from biogas and biomass plants. Another renewable source is geothermal energy, which is generated and stored in the earth.
The climate project works to reduce carbon emissions by switching energy from fossil fuels and developing technologies that utilise renewable energy sources.
The project has the Gold standard label.
Our sustainability work
We are working to reduce our climate impact and aim to halve emissions every decade. Our goal is to halve our greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, compared to the 2020 level. Our emissions calculations are based on carbon dioxide equivalents, which means that all greenhouse gases are included.
We started measuring our emissions in 2010 and we are proud that our emissions as a company have decreased significantly since then. Between 2014 and 2020, we reduced our carbon footprint by 70% by, among other things, replacing fossil fuels with non-fossil fuels in our transport, and switching to renewable electricity use.
We report our emissions according to the GHG Protocol standard, including direct and indirect emissions, broken down into scope 1, 2 and 3. Our largest emissions are from upstream and downstream emissions in our value chain. This means that emissions occur as a result of our operations, but come from sources owned or controlled by businesses outside our own organisation. Within scope 3, advertising campaigns represent a significant part of our emissions, including production-related emissions from the production of posters. By carbon offsetting for advertising campaigns, we are therefore actively working to reduce emissions within the significant scope 3 emissions.
JCDecaux is a ClimatePartner certified company. This means that we have set reduction targets for our company-wide emissions, implemented reduction measures and are financing climate projects. Since 2010, we have been actively working to minimise our climate impact at all levels.
Read our climate report for 2023
Certificate of cancellation
We continue our efforts to reduce emissions by using renewable electricity, gradually replacing all lighting in our equipment with LED lamps and using environmentally friendly transport. We have replaced all our company cars with electric vehicles and are continuously evaluating our partners to minimise our carbon footprint.
Questions and answers
What is ClimatePartner?
ClimatePartner is an internationally recognised expert in climate protection and sustainability, for calculating and reducing CO2-emissions. Read more here:
How are the calculations made?
ClimatePartner has collected data from us; everything from the number of posters, packaging, electricity consumption, transport from printers, depots and contractors as well as the company's footprint in the form of business travel, office materials, recycling, etc.
What is the Greenhouse Gas Protocol?
The Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol) is the most established standard for calculating and reporting greenhouse gas emissions. It has been developed to facilitate the reporting of greenhouse gas emissions by organisations and to make climate reporting more transparent, consistent and comparable between organisations. Read more here:
What are the three scopes?
The GHG Protocol's standard for calculating companies' climate impact classifies companies' emissions into three so-called scopes.
Scope 1 consists of direct emissions from the company's facilities and vehicle fleet. This includes, for example, greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles and machinery owned or leased by the company. The emissions are labelled as direct because scope 1 emissions are emissions over which the company has operational control, as opposed to scope 2 and 3 emissions over which the company does not have operational control.
Scope 2 consists of indirect emissions from purchased electricity, district heating, district cooling and steam.
Scope 3 consists of indirect emissions from company activities in the company's value chain. Emissions in scope 3 are usually divided into so-called upstream and downstream emissions depending on whether they occur before or after the company's own activities in the value chain. Upstream can be, for example, purchased goods and services, employee commuting, business travel, while downstream can be final waste management of sold products.
How does JCDecaux compensate for climate change?
Climate offsetting is carried out through certified climate protection projects developed by ClimatePartner. The climate projects are labelled with the Gold standard. The Gold Standard is a label for emission allowances from projects where high standards are set for the overall environmental and social impact of the project. A number of environmental organisations (e.g. WWF) are behind the label.
Which project do you compensate for?
JCDecaux is supporting new wind turbines that have been built in the centre of western India. The facility consists of 17 wind turbines that together generate approximately 67,133 MWh of electricity per year. This improves the availability of renewable electricity in the region while helping to reduce distribution problems. The project is helping to reduce poverty in the area by creating employment opportunities for the local population. Energy is still largely generated by fossil fuels worldwide, which in turn generate high emissions. Wind energy replaces some of that fossil fuel energy and reduces carbon emissions.
How do you know the money is going to the right projects?
The project is audited by a third party and the projects are implemented by the project owners. The project owners are the "owners" of the reduction units and receive the money for the compensation.
What is the Greenhouse Gas Protocol?
The Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol) is the most established standard for calculating and reporting greenhouse gas emissions. It has been developed to facilitate the reporting of greenhouse gas emissions by organisations and to make climate reporting more transparent, consistent and comparable between organisations. Read more here:
What are you doing to reduce your carbon footprint?
JCDecaux has been a climate-neutral company since 2010 and we have long been actively working to minimise our carbon footprint at all levels. We are proud that our emissions as a company have been reduced by 70% from 2014 to 2020. This is because of diligent work and scrutiny of everything from transport to electricity and recycling. For example, we drive electric and gas cars, print our posters on environmentally certified paper and buy only green electricity. We are working to reduce our carbon footprint and aim to halve emissions every decade. Our goal by 2030 is to halve our greenhouse gas emissions, compared to 2020 levels.